CSHPI promotes social housing models that are sustainable, mixed income, publicly-owned, and deeply affordable.

Social housing takes housing policy out of the hands of Wall Street and places it back into the hands of the people.

  • Our Purpose:

    • Advance policy solutions that reverse the decades-long trend toward privatization and private-market dependance in our national housing policy;

    • Educate the public about social housing as a means to solve the affordable housing crisis and create housing as a human right;

    • Advocate for investment in social housing systems at both the national and local levels to give renters a “public option”, allowing them to access deeply affordable mixed-income rental housing available to all.

    • Promote social housing as part of a broader New Deal infrastructure program to provide jobs and green our aging housing infrastructure.

    • Advance/promote policies that direct public resources to build strong public institutions which lay the foundation for thriving and healthy communities.

  • The Problem: The Deepening Affordable Housing Crisis

    • Housing policy in the United States is deeply influenced by corporate developers and their investors.

    • The investors that fund the production of rental housing are increasingly “institutional investors”. Common institutional investors are Wall Street banks, hedge funds, sovereign wealth funds, and Real Estate Investment Trusts.

    • Each year institutional investors pour hundreds of billions of dollars into the global real estate market with the goal of maximizing their profit to the greatest extent possible.

    • As such, these investors have created a highly financialized and speculative housing system. The result has been exploding housing costs and the displacement of millions of people around the country through evictions and foreclosure.

  • The Solution: Social Housing

    CSHPI promotes social housing models that are sustainable, mixed income, publicly-owned, and deeply affordable. Here’s how these models work.

    Housing as Infrastructure: Social housing promotes public investment in the production of deeply affordable mixed-income rental housing.

    A Public Option for Housing: Social housing acts as a “public option”, offering an affordable, vibrant, and diverse housing option for renters at a variety of income levels.

    The elimination of the profit motive: Social housing is publicly owned so it does not need to generate profits for corporations or shareholders. This allows social housing to be self- sustaining and operate with maximum efficiency. Social housing models operate to make Housing a Human Right by using public resources to promote the common good.